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Figure 8 Auto Demolition Derby

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Entry Fee: $35.00 per vehicle
Late Entry Fee: $75.00 Cash
Visit Forms and Downloads for Entry Form.

Pits open at 1:00 PM — First Heat at 6:00 PM

Figure 8 Auto Demolition Rules

  1. All cars must be pre-registered and entry fee of $35.00 (CASH ONLY) paid before August 29, 2018. Registration will be handled 1st come, 1st serve basis. Entry fee includes driver and mechanic only. All entrees will be posted on the Internet or you will receive a call if you do not make it. If you cannot compete, please call 570-924-4884 Jeff ) or 570- 924-3843(Jody) A.S.A.P.
  2. Drivers must be 16 years of age and have proof of age;
  3. Pit passes will be sold for $20.00 each with a signed release at the office ONLY.
  4. All drivers must supply their own car.
  5. All cars and drivers must be entered and cars inspected by 5 pm on the day of the event.
  6. ANY DRIVER OR CREW MEMBER DISOBEYING the rules will cause his or her car to be DISQUALIFIED. Unsportsman like conduct will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disqualification and barred from future events. Drivers are responsible for the actions of their crew members.
  7. Paint car number on the roof and the doors of your car in large bright letters.
  8. NO foul language appearing on cars or beer cans in cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. All rules are open to interpretation of judges.
  10. All judges’ decisions are final.

Participation Regulations – Speed in Pits and road to track 5 mph!

  1. Any American made stock hardtop automobile or station wagon is allowed. All sunroofs must be welded shut.   NO TRUCKS, JEEPS, OR 4 WHEEL DRIVES, limos, full size, etc.. IN compact car heats.
  2. All cars must have a stock hood with a hole cut over the carburetor.
  3. All stock fans must be removed. An electric fan with plastic or nylon blades is acceptable. Water only in radiator and engine block and must be flushed of anti-freeze. Radiators must remain in original position a replacement may be used
  4. Battery must be inside car, covered and secure
  5. All transmission coolers may be moved in the rear seat area and must be fully enclosed, including the lines (NO FANS)
  6. No studs or screws in rims to hold tires Remove wheel weights.
  7. All glass, chrome strips and anything else that may fly off or become embedded in the track must be removed. Also anything inside the car that is a fire hazard must be removed, including interior (except drivers door) remove all door handles, cranks and lock mechanism, trunk carpet and pad. All glass must be taken out NOT BROKE OUT INCLUDING front, rear, side, headlights, tail, marker lights must be removed and car swept clean before arriving at the fairgrounds or track.
  8. A strong wire or mesh screen is required on driver’s windshield area and driver’s door is optional, all cars must have 2 metal straps welded from the roof to the windshield area in front of the driver.
  9. All stock gas tanks must be removed from the car and a 5-gallon or smaller gas tank is to be installed in the rear passenger compartment. All tanks must be securely fastened to the floor and covered.
  10. No reinforcements of any kind will be allowed. Remove trailer hitches. The maximum height of the bumpers is 20 inches from the ground to the bottom of the bumper. All bumpers MUST be chained or tied securely with a cable.
  11. Optional Drivers compartment cage will consist of a bar over the steering column with door/side bars no more than 6 inches lower than window opening. Behind driver’s seat, bar no more than 1 foot behind B post and on top of side bars with brace to floor, not the frame or rear.  All bars maximum of 3 inches – no drive shafts.
  12. Safety belts, helmets and eye protection are required, also a long sleeved shirt is required.
  13. All doors must be welded shut or tied securely with a chain or cable. If any door comes open he or she will be disqualified
  14. Hood must be held shut with wire, no all thread. All latches must be removed. Trunk lid may be welded on the outside only with a hole cut—minimum of 2 (two) square feet in size.
  15. All cars must be removed from the fairgrounds by the owner no later than 7:00 am the following day. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS.
  16. Drivers may maneuver forward and backward. NO deliberate ramming in the driver’s door, this could lead to disqualification.
  17. A time limit of 2 min. will be set by the judges. If a driver does not hit a live car within the time limit, this will lead to disqualification. Do not play possum. Hits must be aggressive.
  18. Freon must be removed from all A/C units –Federal Regulations.
  19. Additional safety regulations may be imposed depending on the track. All cars may be re-inspected at any time.
  20. Rules subject to change to fit the event. The decisions of the judges are final.
  21. Cars that cannot start prior to their heat will move to the last heat before finale. No exceptions.
  22. A $50.00 protest fee is required to contest another car and must be in writing. Protest must be done before the drivers meeting.
  23. Fire extinguishers are recommended and are to be in close reach.
  24. Car body must be in its original shape unless the car was run in a previous derby.
  25. Compact cars are 4 cylinders; uni-body with a 104” wheelbase NO 4-wheel drives in compact class