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Sullivan County Fair Queen Contest

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Contact: Kayla Lambert
Address:  963 Millview Mountain Road, Forksville, PA  18616
Phone:  570-660-4690

Each Fair Queen contestant will be judged on poise, appearance, ability to communicate, and knowledge of the Sullivan County Fair.

A written essay is required with all queen candidate applications. Once again this year’s essay title is “What My Fair Means to My Community”. The essay is to approximately 300 words in length for Senior. 150 words for Junior and 30 words for Little Miss. Don’t forget that the Sullivan County Fair is an agricultural fair. The purpose of the Sullivan County Fair Queen program is to encourage the promotion of agricultural fairs and to create better relations between youth and adults in Sullivan County. The essay may be hand written in black or blue ink or typed on a word processor or computer. Use good grammar and be neat.

The winner of the pageant will be given a scholarship in the amount of $500.00, and is eligible to attend a trip to the State Fair Convention. The winner of the State Pageant will receive a $1,500.00 scholarship.

To compete in the pageant, complete the Sullivan County Fair Queen Application and submit it, with your photograph and essay to:

Kayla Lambert

You can also email your application, photo and essay to

Your picture will be used in the local paper and the application and essay will be used in the judging process.

All applications and essays must be received by August 15, 2024.


Local Rules:

The qualifications for competing for the title of Sullivan County Fair Queen are as follows:


    1. She must live in Pennsylvania

    1. She must live or attend school in Sullivan County PA

    1. She must be at least 16 years of age and not 20 years old by June 1, 2024 (Senior Queen)

    1. She must be at least 13 years of age to 15 years old by June 1, 2024 (Junior Queen)

    1. She must be at least 10 years of age to 12 years old by June 1, 2024 (Little Miss)

    1. She must be single, never married, have had no children, and must not marry nor get pregnant during her reign.

    1. She must present a wholesome, healthy appearance

    1. She must not be former local winner, or state contestant

    1. She cannot hold any other title during her term as Sr. Fair Queen

    1. If under 18 years of age she must have her parent’s or guardian’s consent

    1. The winner may represent the Sullivan County Fair at the State Fair Queen Pageant

    1. She need not be actively involved in agriculture but have a keen interest in promoting the Sullivan County Fair as an agricultural fair

    1. Little Miss is required to have a parent or guardian with them during fair events. Only 2 half days of the parent’s choosing are necessary.

  1. Each contestant must write an essay (300 words for Senior, 150 for Junior. and 30 words for Little Miss) entitled “What My Fair Means to My Community”.