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Dept 9 – Rabbits

Section 1 – Rabbits

  1. Rabbits must have a permanent ear mark and this mark must be entered on the rabbit entry form. Entries close August 15.   All exhibitors must complete the rabbit entry form. Breed of rabbit must be written on the entry form even if it is not listed below.
  2. Out of county animal entries will be accepted and held until all in-county animals are accommodated. If there will not be enough stall space, out of county entrants will be notified as soon as possible.
  3. Entry fee for open class rabbits is $1.00 per rabbit. There is no entry fee for 4-H exhibitors. Rabbits must be on the grounds by 4 pm Wednesday of the fair. Meat pens will pay $2.00 entry fee per pen.
  4. Exhibitors must provide food and care for their entries. Cages will be provided.
  5. No rabbit showing any signs of disease will be allowed in the show.
  6. No rabbit may compete in more than one class.
  7. Pet Class: The animal is a mixed breed that does not conform to any one specific written standard. If you are unsure of the breed, this is the class.
  8. Exhibitors are required to handle their rabbits for judging on Thursday. No adult may show a rabbit for a youth.
  9. No rabbits may leave the rabbit barn before Monday. Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their cages at the conclusion of the fair.
    Meat Pens: A meat pen consists of 3 rabbits of the same breed and variety weighing between 4-6 pounds individually and may be not more than 70 days old. One meat pen entry per exhibitor. Only 4-H exhibitors may sell their meat pen at the Livestock Sale.
  10. Exhibitors are limited to six (6) rabbits per exhibitor, not including meat pen rabbits.

10 – New Zealand
20 – California
30 – Dutch
40 – Mini Rex
50 – Holland Lops
60 – Lionhead
70 – Angora
80 – English Spot
90 – Mini Lops
100 – Netherland Dwarfs
110 – Flemish Giants
120 – Jersey Wooley
130 – Rex

Registered Rabbits
911Adult Doe (over 6 months)$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
912Adult Buck (over 6 months)$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
913Young Doe (under 6 months)$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
914Young Buck (under 6 months)$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
Grade Rabbits
915Adult Doe (over 6 months)$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
916Adult Buck (over 6 months)$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
917Young Doe (under 6 months)$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
918Young Buck (under 6 months)$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
9111Buck$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
9112Doe$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
9113Doe & Litter (Litter must be between
7 & 8 weeks of age)
$6, $5, $4, $3, $2
9114Meat Pen$6, $5, $4, $3, $2

Section 2 – Hopping & Agility Competition

  1. Animal handlers are responsible for ensuring that they and their family members do not behave in a disruptive manner. Violations will result in a warning, followed by disqualification.
  2. Rabbits entered are to be domestic and no pedigree is required.
  3. Animals must be at least 4 months of age to compete.
  4. Rabbits must be healthy and free of diseases or parasites. A health check will be done prior to entering the competition. Any rabbit in poor health must be removed from all other rabbits immediately.
  5. The rabbit and handler are considered a team. You may not hand your rabbit over to anyone else during the competition to compete.
  6. If your rabbit is pregnant or nursing babies, it cannot compete.
  7. Handler are responsible for training their rabbits.
  8. Any mistreatment of a rabbit will not be tolerated.
  9. A rabbit is to be brought to the competition in a solid bottom cage. If the rabbit is out of its cage, it must never be left unattended or tied up.
  10. The rabbit must hop the course on its own free will, handlers are not permitted to carry the rabbit through the course but may lift the rabbit over a jump or obstacle if necessary, resulting in a fault. Touching the rabbit with your feet is not permitted. Handlers may encourage and guide the rabbit vocally with soft commands or with gentle touches or tickles. A clicker or other training devices are not permitted.
  11. Handlers will not use the leash to hit the rabbit or be allowed to pick a rabbit up by the leash.
  12. If the judge decides that your rabbit is lame or the course is too difficult, the judge may disqualify your rabbit. The judge’s decision in any matter is final.
  13. Good sportsmanship is a must. The first violation is a warning, the second violation is disqualification.
  14. Only one rabbit is allowed on the course at any time.
  15. Handlers are not permitted to step over jumps and obstacles at any time. They must go around. Repeated violations will result in disqualification.
  16. Start and end jumps must always be present but are not scored with any faults.
  17. Any course not in a straight line will be numbered.
  18. To start a competition, the clock will start when all four of the rabbit’s feet touch the ground after jumping the start jump. To end a competition all four of the rabbit’s feet must touch the ground to be considered complete, thus stopping the clock.
  19. No food, drink or treats are to be on any course whether for you or your rabbit.
  20. Leashes when used, must be picked up and held at all times except when going through the tunnel or tire jump. After these obstacles, the leash will be picked up immediately.
  21. A show catalog will list the following:
    1. Where the event is being held, if the event is in a fenced in area, building or other enclosure.
    2. What type of hopping surface will be used
    3. What courses will be offered.
    4. If the event is an agility event. The obstacles used must be listed
  22. The handler is responsible for replacing any equipment damaged by their actions.
  23. Appearance counts. A club shirt over a white dress shirt, black jeans, or dress pants down to the ankles, and white sneakers is required dress, unless otherwise stated. Anyone not dressed appropriately will not be allowed to compete. Holes in jeans will not be allowed, nor will flip flops or sandals! No dangling jewelry should be worn as it could injure the handler or the rabbit.
  24. A flat H harness and 4 – 6 foot leash is required for all hopping events. A handler may use a flat H harness and leash in the agility course but it is not required, as it is a fenced in course. No retractable or elastic leashes allowed.
  25. You are responsible for cleaning up any debris left on the course by you or your rabbit including feces. Cleaning equipment will be provided.
  26. Classes may be split up into members age and rabbit’s abilities.
  27. All rabbits will have 3 tries at a jump or obstacle before the judge will ask them to move on.
  28. Each team will have 3 runs on a course. The best score will be used in case of a tie, the fastest time will decide the winner. The judge’s decision is final. A handler may choose not to run all 3 rounds, the best score earned will be used.
  29. If a rabbit leaves the course, it is not a penalty. Your rabbit will be allowed to reenter the course where it went off course.
  30. A handler is responsible for any injury caused to their rabbit while on the competition course or practice area.
  31. A maximum time of 3 minutes to complete the course will be allowed.
  32. A handler is responsible to prevent their rabbit from mating with any other rabbit.
  33. A handler is responsible for being on the course and prepared to start when called in a timely manner or they could be disqualified by the judge.
  34. A handler may run more than 1 rabbit in any competition but may be limited to 2 rabbits per competition if numerous participants enter the competition.
  35. A handler may substitute a rabbit for an injured or sick rabbit for a completion if it has been approved by competition officials prior to it being done this is the only reason a substitution can be made.
  36. All rabbits must be entered in the fair competition by completing an entry form and following the general rules of Department 9. Open class rabbits must also pay an entry fee.
  37. All open class rabbits must be on the fairgrounds on Wednesday before 4 pm and caged.

921Hopping, Novice A$5, $4, $3, $2
922Hopping, Novice B$5, $4, $3, $2
923Agility, Novice B$5, $4, $3, $2
924Agility, Intermediate A$5, $4, $3, $2

Section 3 – Open Class Cavies

  1. Cavy Show will be held in conjunction with the rabbits on Thursday afternoon.
  2. All cavies must be on the fairgrounds by 4 pm on Wednesday. All cavies entered must
    be in good health.
  3. All animals must have a number placed in the ear with a permanent marker.
  4. All cages must be cleaned at least every other day by 11 am. Manure and bedding must
    be taken to the manure pit after cleaning. Area must be swept and clean at all times.
  5. All rabbit rules will apply to cavies. Cavy exhibitors must abide by all general rules for
  6. Mixed breeds must be shown in Pet Class.

501 – Abyssinian
502 – Abyssinian Satin
503 – American
504 – American Satin
505 – Coronet
506 – Peruvian
507 – Peruvian Satin
508 – Silkie

509 – Silkie Satin
510 – Teddy
511 – Teddy Satin
512 – Texel
513 – White Crested
525 – Mixed, Pet Class

931Junior Boar$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
932Intermediate Boar$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
933Senior Boar$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
934Junior Sow$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
935Intermediate Sow$5, $4, $3, $2, $1
936Senior Sow$5, $4, $3, $2, $1