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Dept 7 – Camelids

  1. All animals shall be identified by a permanent ear tag, tattoo, brand or records of physical attributes. Animals presented for exhibition will be subject to inspection by show officials and will be rejected if evidence of infectious, contagious, or parasitic disease is apparent or if health certification or identification documentation is not acceptable.
  2. All Llamas must meet Fair health requirements. Entry fees will be $2.00 per animal. Entries close August 15. Please use livestock entry form.
  3.  The Fair reserves the right to refuse any or all entries and limits the entries to two (2) llamas / alpacas per exhibitor.
  4. Animal judged on how conformational correct the animal is.


100 – Llamas


200 – Alpacas


711Male, under 2 years old$25, $20, $15, $10
712Male, over 2 years old$25, $20, $15, $10
713Female, under 2 years old$25, $20, $15, $10
714Female, over 2 years old$25, $20, $15, $10
715Gelding – any age$25, $20, $15, $10