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Dept 23 – Apiary and Maple Products

Sec 1 – Apiary Products

  1. Judged on uniformity of color, bees, presence of queen, brood and honey. Cleanliness and appearance of observation hive.
  2. Best of Show ribbons to be awarded at the discretion of the judge.

2311Bees, any race, one frame observation hive$50, $40 $30, $20
2312Light honeycomb, 2 sections$10, $8 $6, $4
2313Dark honeycomb, 2 sections$10, $8 $6, $4
2314*Honey, Light extracted, 2-1 lb. jars$10, $8 $6, $4
2315*Honey, Amber extracted, 2-1 lb. jars$10, $8 $6, $4
2316*Honey, Dark amber extracted, 2-1 lb. jars$10, $8 $6, $4
2317*Honey, Finely crystalized, 2-1 lb. jars$10, $8 $6, $4
2318Beeswax, not less than 3 lbs., judged on
color and purity
$10, $8 $6, $4
2319Dipped candles (2)$10, $8 $6, $4
23110Molded candles (2)$10, $8 $6, $4
23111Crafting candles (2)$10, $8 $6, $4
23112Collective exhibit of honey, wax, honey products
and bees in a basket or on a tray
$15, $12 $10, $8

*Honey is judged on perfection in filling, capping, uniformity, neatness and cleanliness of section.

Sec 1 – Let’s Use Honey

  1. Only one entry per person, per class.
  2. Entry must include honey as an ingredient.
  3. A neatly handwritten or typed recipe for the entry must be submitted on a standard 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper. Please use one side only. Name, address, and phone number must be printed on the back side of the page.
  4. Exhibits that require refrigeration will NOT be accepted.  To be displayed in yellow building.

23113Bread/Quick Breads to consist of one loaf,
wrapped in a plastic bag: no fork pricks.
$10, $8 $6, $4
23114Rolls – 6 of uniform shape and wrapped in
plastic bags.
$10, $8 $6, $4
23115Cookies – 6$10, $8 $6, $4
23116Cupcakes – 6 OR Cake – 1$10, $8 $6, $4
23117Pie – must be wrapped in a plastic bag or
plastic wrap.
$10, $8 $6, $4

Sec 2  – Maple Products

Syrup judged on flavor, color, density and clarity. Sugar judged on flavor, appearance and texture.

23230Maple syrup, 1 qt. container$5, $4 $3, $2
23231Maple sugar, 1 lb. cake$5, $4 $3, $2
23232Maple cream, 1 lb.$5, $4 $3, $2
23233Maple sugar, soft, small individual cakes,
not less than 1 lb.
$5, $4 $3, $2
23234Maple display exhibit on a tray or in a basket
(1 each of class #’s 15, 16, 17, & 18)
$10, $8 $6, $4

Sec 2  – Maple Cookery

  1. These food items must contain enough a pure maple product so that flavor, consistency or sweetness is affected.
  2. These foods should exhibit those characteristics generally associated with other foods in the class.
  3. The recipe for the item must be on an 8 ½ X 11 standard paper with name, address, and phone number on the back and submitted with the entry.
  4. All must be wrapped in plastic or in a zip lock bag.  Display in yellow building.

23235Candy – Maple fudge$10, $8 $6, $4
23236Cakes -1 or Cupcakes – 6$10, $8 $6, $4
23237Cookies – 6$10, $8 $6, $4
23238Pies$10, $8 $6, $4
23239Quick Breads$10, $8 $6, $4
23240Cinnamon Rolls$10, $8 $6, $4