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Dept 16 – Christmas Trees

  1. Trees to be exhibited shall be within the five to seven feet height range measuring from bottom of the handle to the top of the tip.
  2. No trees may be exhibited that have been sprayed with or have artificial color or other chemicals added in any manner.
  3. No trees may be exhibited with limbs or foliage added that did not grow naturally in place.
  4. Trees may be naturally grown or sheared and shaped by the exhibitor.
1611All Pines$20, $15, $10, $5
1612Concolor Fir$20, $15, $10, $5
1613Douglas Fir$20, $15, $10, $5
1614Frasier Fir$20, $15, $10, $5
1615All Spruce$20, $15, $10, $5
1616Other – specify by name$20, $15, $10, $5

Wreath Contest Rules

  1. All wreaths exhibited must have been owned by exhibitor and grown in Pennsylvania at least 60 days prior to the Fair.
  2. In no case shall one person, family, or farm enter more than two wreaths: one decorated and one undecorated.
  3. Wreaths must be made on a 12-inch ring of natural greens and the outside diameter must not exceed 24 inches.
  4. The weight of the wreath may not exceed 5 pounds. Wreaths may be single or double-faced.
  5. Decorated wreaths must include a bow and may contain dried or other decorative materials and ornaments.
  6. Decorated wreaths will be judged on craftsmanship, originality, arrangement of decorations and quality of bow.
  7. Undecorated wreaths will be judged on foliage color and workmanship (including uniform density, uniform center hole, uniform outside, construction quality, placement of materials, and overall appearance). Wreaths in the undecorated category can be made with mixed greens, however, we suggest no other materials such as berries or leaves.
16120Decorated 24” Wreath$15, $12, $8, $5
16121Undecorated 24” Wreath$15, $12, $8, $5
16122Swag – less than 36” in length – accessories
may be used.
$15, $12, $8, $5