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Dept 5 – Swine

(Health Rules)

Skip to:  Breeding Swine | Market Pigs

  1. Entry fee- $2.00 per animal. Please state number of animals on entry form.
  2. Out of county animal entries will be accepted and held until all in-county animals are accommodated. If there will not be enough stall space, out of county entrants will be notified as soon as possible.
  3. Entries will be accepted from out of county, but should facilities become limited, they will be cut first based on postmark.
  4. Entries close August 15.
  5. No out-of-state animals will be accepted.

Section 1 – Breeding Swine


200-Chester Whites
500-Poland China


600-Spotted Poland China
900-Cross Breeds (limited to market classes only)


511January Boar Pig farrowed on or after January 1st
and before February 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
512February Boar Pig farrowed on or after February
1st and before March 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
513March Boar Pig farrowed on or after March 1st
and before April 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
514April Boar Pig farrowed on or after April 1st$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
515January Sow Pig farrowed on or after January
1st and before February 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
516February Sow Pig farrowed on or after February
1st and before March 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
517March Sow Pig farrowed on or after March 1st
and before April 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
518April Sow Pig farrowed on or after April 1st$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
519Young herd, one boar, 2 sows farrowed on
or after January 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
5110Get of Sire, to consist of 3 animals both sexes;
get of one boar (no barrows), farrowed on
or after January 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
5111Produce of Dam, to consist of 3 animals of
one sow, farrowed on or after January 1st
$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
5112Breeder Feeder Litter$15, $12, $10, $8, $6

Section 2 – Market Pigs

5213Lightweight 180-200 lbs.$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
5214Medium weight 201-220 lbs.$15, $12, $10, $8, $6
5215Heavyweight 221-240 lbs.$15, $12, $10, $8, $6

Skip to:  Breeding Swine | Market Pigs