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Exhibitor FAQs

1.  How do I enter an Exhibit?

All exhibitors must enter using the Blue Ribbon on-line entry system.

Find the department, section and class which best describes your exhibit.

Read the General Rules for the fair and the Department Rules for information and eligibility.

Find the appropriate Entry Form in this book or on the Registration Forms page on the website.

Note this year’s preregistration deadline on the entry form. It is very important to pre-register your exhibit by the deadline to enable information, space and entry tags to be made available.

For non‐animal exhibits:

We are aware that an exhibit may be a NO SHOW on check‐in day.  This is acceptable; however, please try to keep it to a minimum as it requires extra unused entry tags and time in correcting the entries.

It is extremely important that you pre-register as an exhibitor before the pre-registration deadline to allow a smooth, efficient check‐in and enough space for all exhibits

2. Where do I go on check‐in day?

If you received your entry tags in the mail, please proceed to the appropriate building and the superintendents will assist you with your entries.

If you have not yet picked up your entry tags, stop at the fair office for your tags. Home & garden entries:  On check‐in day, please report to the Yellow building or the Flag Building with the appropriate entries.

3. How do I know if my exhibit was awarded a prize?

Once judging is completed, buildings will open on Wednesday morning at 10 am. Exhibits earning a place will have a ribbon displayed.

4. What will I win if I am awarded a prize?

If you are awarded a ribbon and placing, check in the Fair premium book under the class to determine the premium amount. Premiums will only be paid to those number of placings listed under the class in the Fair premium book.

All premium checks will be mailed after the conclusion of the fair. Checks must be cashed within 90 days.

Please be aware technical difficulties and computer problems may delay the distribution of premium checks.

5. When can I remove my exhibit?

All entries must be picked up between the hours of 9 am and 12 noon on Monday following fair week.

To maintain an attractive display, perishable food items may be disposed of during the week at the discretion of fair management.  However, ribbons awarded can be picked up at the exhibit area.